FAQ - Doubloons


Doubloons are our custom currency system, used to reward viewers for watching the stream and subscribing.

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Doubloon amounts are used as entry requirements to gain access to community game servers, and large giveaways.

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Your doubloons count will be displayed at the bottom left of the extension. You can refresh this count with the “Refresh” icon to the right.


To view your doubloons count:

  1. On the Burke’s Booty Extension, click the three line icon.
  2. Click “User Stats”. This is the default page of the extension.

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Below you can find the current earn rates for Doubloons through various actions. These rates are subject to change.

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Connect with Twitch to get your share of the plunder. Sign on with the crew. Earn doubloons and take part in adventure on the high seas.

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