FAQ - Giveaways


To submit a giveaway:

  1. On the Burke’s Booty Extension, click the present icon, “Giveaway Submission Form”.
  2. Fill out the form.
    • Giveaway Name: Name of item being given away, include all necessary details (e.g. Console, DLC or Full Game, Region etc.)
    • Giveaway Contributor: Your name. This is filled in by default.
    • Giveaway Type: Type of giveaway. (e.g. Steam Code, Uplay Code, Redemption Link etc.)
    • Giveaway Key/Code/Link: Key/Code/Link of the giveaway.
    • Doubloon Requirement: Doubloons required to enter the giveaway. By default, this is left at 0. Moderators may alter this option if necessary.
    • Non-Subscriber Only: Restrict giveaway to non-subscribers only. Moderators may alter this option if necessary.
  3. Click “Submit”.

Please note: Submitting a giveaway adds the giveaway details to a database, and does not run the giveaway at the time of submission. A moderator must manually run the giveaway after ensuring the details are correct. You may ask a moderator to run a giveaway you have previously submitted.

Please note: This is unavailable from the mobile extension.

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When a giveaway is live, the extension will display the giveaway details and will be inaccessible until the giveaway has ended.

To enter a giveaway:

  1. Locate the Burke’s Booty Extension.
  2. Click the “Enter Giveaway” button.

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When a giveaway is live, the extension will display the giveaway details and will be inaccessible until the giveaway has ended.

To leave a giveaway:

  1. Locate the Burke’s Booty Extension.
  2. Click the “Leave Giveaway” button.

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When a giveaway has ended, the extension will display the giveaway winner and will be inaccessible until the giveaway has been claimed.

To claim a giveaway:

  1. Locate the Burke’s Booty Extension.
  2. Click the “Claim” button.

Please note: Only the winner will be able to see the claim button.

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To redeem a giveaway:

  1. On the Burke’s Booty Extension, click the trophy icon, “Giveaway Wins”.
    • Mobile: Click the three line icon, then click “Raffles”, and then click “Raffle Wins”.
  2. Find the most recent giveaway win.
  3. Copy the key/code/link and redeem at the appropriate place.

Please note: Any redemption links must be copy and pasted elsewhere and cannot be clicked from within the extension.

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